... to be updated ... (the techniques are currently being used to tackle other related problems!)
Here is the source code of the algorithm. To compile with GCC, execute:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -pedantic -O2 generate.c -o generate
To generate all primes in the interval from 10^9-100 to 10^9 execute:
time ./generate 999999900 1000000000 1 1 ", "
Equivalently, to generate primes from index 50847533 to 50847534 execute:
time ./generate 50847533 50847534 0 1 ", "
This takes 1 MB of memory and 32 seconds on a 3.2 GHz processor.
Enable print_heap() in order to visualise the algorithm in execution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define INT unsigned long long
void generating_prime_numbers (bool (*submit_prime)(INT i, INT p));
// The function generating_prime_numbers() will
// call the function submit_prime(), for every
// generated prime starting from i=1 with p=2.
// The i-th prime is p. i is the index of p.
INT start, stop; // the range of the printed result
bool forPnotI; // range is for 'p' else is for 'i'
bool showIndex; // additionally print the index 'i'
const char* delimiter;
bool submit_prime (INT i, INT p)
INT n = forPnotI ? p : i;
if(n > stop) return true; // stop generating
if(n < start) return false; // continue generating
if(n > start) printf("%s",delimiter);
if(showIndex) printf("%llu ", i);
printf("%llu", p);
return false; // continue generating
int main (int argc, char** argv)
"\n Use: <program> <start> <stop>"
" <forPnotI> <showIndex> <delimiter>\n"
"\n Example: <program> 1 100 0 0 \", \""
start = stop = 0;
int i;
sscanf(argv[1], "%llu", &start);
sscanf(argv[2], "%llu", &stop);
sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &i); forPnotI = i;
sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &i); showIndex = i;
delimiter = argv[5];
if(start < 1){
printf("\nInvalid input: (start = %llu) < 1.\n\n", start);
if(start > stop){
printf("\nInvalid input: (start = %llu) > (stop = %llu).\n\n", start, stop);
return 0;
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct _Prime {
INT pm; // product p*m
INT m; // prime multiplier
int p; // prime of this node
int i; // wheel-index of m
} Prime;
static inline int compare (Prime p1, Prime p2)
if(p1.pm < p2.pm) return -1;
if(p1.pm > p2.pm) return +1;
return (p1.p < p2.p) ? -1 : +1;
void print_heap (const Prime* heap, int size, int l, int indent)
if(l>=size) return;
print_heap (heap, size, l*2+2, indent+3); // right subtree
for(int i=0; i < indent; i++) printf(" ");
printf("%d*%llu=%llu\n", heap[l].p, heap[l].m, heap[l].pm);
print_heap (heap, size, l*2+1, indent+3); // left subtree
void generating_prime_numbers (bool (*submit_prime)(INT i, INT p))
int i, j;
INT c = 0;
/* submit first few primes */
if(submit_prime(++c, 2)) return;
if(submit_prime(++c, 3)) return;
if(submit_prime(++c, 5)) return;
const int wheel[] = {2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6};
const int wheelSize = sizeof(wheel)/sizeof(*wheel);
/* get first prime used by the algorithm */
int k = 1; // k is the wheel-index of n
INT n = wheel[k]+1; // n is the latest integer generated
INT L = n; // L is the largest prime in the heap
if(submit_prime(++c, n)) return;
/* initialise heap with the first prime */
int heapMax = 1<<14;
Prime* heap = (Prime*) malloc (heapMax*sizeof(*heap));
Prime root = { .pm = L*L, .m = L, .p = L, .i = k};
heap[0] = root;
int heapSize = 1;
root = heap[0];
/* get the next integer 'n' using its wheel-index 'k' */
if(++k >= wheelSize) k=0;
n += wheel[k];
/* if n turns out to be a prime */
if(n != root.pm){
if(submit_prime(++c, n)) break;
else continue;
/* print the heap data struture */
print_heap(heap, heapSize, 0, 1);
printf("press enter...");
/* if a new L to be added to the heap is identified */
if(root.p == L && root.m != L)
/* get the new largest prime L of heap */
L = root.m;
root.p = L;
root.pm = L*L;
/* add at end of heap, then update heap */
i = heapSize++;
j = (i-1)/2;
if(compare(heap[j], root)<0) break;
heap[i] = heap[j];
i = j;
heap[i] = root;
/* if heap memory is full then increase it */
if(heapSize >= heapMax)
heapMax *= 2;
heap = realloc(heap, heapMax*sizeof(*heap));
//printf("heapMax = 0x%x\n", heapMax);
root = heap[0];
if(n != root.pm) break;
if(++root.i >= wheelSize)
root.i = 0;
root.m += wheel[root.i];
root.pm = root.p * root.m;
/* update the heap data structure */
while(i*2+2 <= heapSize)
Prime left = heap[i*2+1];
Prime right = heap[i*2+2];
if(i*2+2 == heapSize
|| compare(left, right)<0)
if(compare(left, root)<0)
heap[i] = left;
i = i*2+1;
if(compare(right, root)<0)
heap[i] = right;
i = i*2+2;
heap[i] = root;